About Us

A bit of information about 'Us'!  And our returns policy!  It's pretty good!  

‘Hassle in my Assle’ speaks to all of those challenges and problems we all deal with on a daily basis.  We all know someone who has stepped in doggy do, complains about their student loans, gripes about their ex husband, hooks that golf shot into the water or moans about their hangover. 

While a lot of life in general can be good or great, a lot of it can be mildly annoying to an absolute pain in the ass! 

Hassle In My Assle sarcastically embraces and acknowledges these hassles.  Acknowledge and laugh about your own or find something for a friend or family member so you can laugh together about theirs!

If you can’t find something that describes your hassles – let us know and we’ll design one for you free of charge!  Happy Shopping and send any ideas to support@hassleinyourassle.com

Returns Policy

The last thing we want is for your buying experience to be a Hassle in your Assle.   We’re committed to make sure you get the product you want.

If you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase please let us know within 30 days and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of at no cost to you.

Please note:

·         We CANNOT accept returns on any items which have been washed. 

·         ANY items returned that have been worn more than just trying them on for the first time

If you want to return an item, please drop us a line at support@hassleinmyassle.com